Placing Yeomans Services in the Spotlight - TRUST FUNDRAISING
ByClaire Fuller |FundraisingCreativePrintMailing |12 August 2019Statistics from The Charity Commission (dated 30th September 2018) show that there are 168,186 charities registered in the UK, that’s A LOT of organisations competing for support in all manner of ways!
When I consider the totals raised during annual events like Comic Relief and Children in Need, the generosity of people in supporting international appeals for aid, the personal challenges taken on by friends to support causes close to their heart, or the level of support for events in my local community; it’s clear to me that we’re a pretty generous nation – not just in terms of financial support but also with our giving of time and energy to help others.
However, despite our generosity and innovations in charitable giving over the years, it’s also clear that because of the sheer number of charities requiring support and the daily economic pressures we all face, it can be increasingly challenging for organisations to raise the vital funds they need.
In fact, the 2019 CAF UK Giving Report found that although the total amount given to charity by individuals in 2018 remains relatively steady at £10.1 billion, this was driven by fewer people giving more.
With information like this it’s no surprise that fundraising now covers a multitude of different channels and charities are developing skills in many different and diverse areas including individual giving, events and challenges, legacies, major donors, trust fundraising and more.
We’ve been Fundraising specialists for years and have been continuously developing our skills and growing our areas of expertise. When you read statements like the following, it’s clear why Trust Fundraising is now one of the core service areas we offer:
“The Association of Charitable Foundations suggest that the top 300 charitable trusts and foundations in the UK distribute £2.7bn in grants each year. This equates to about 15% of all annual income into voluntary organisations.” (NCVO, 25 April 19)
How high is Trust Fundraising on your agenda?
There’s no doubt that it can be a real challenge to invest in a completely new area of fundraising, particularly if it’s an area your team doesn’t already possess skills and expertise in.
That’s why we’re here to help.
Through our tried and tested Trust Fundraising programme, our Fundraising Consultants take the time to get to know you, your organisation and your needs and will work as an extension of your team to provide the support and understanding you need to get started and develop your Trust Fundraising programme.
If you’d like help with your next steps in Trust Fundraising, we’d love to speak with you. We’ll work with you to produce a bespoke plan which outlines the support we can provide, ensuring it fits both your needs and your budget
In the meantime, set against the backdrop of fierce competition from other charities, here are a few tips for preparing your next Trust Fundraising application:
8 tips for preparing and making your application:
- Identify the nature of your need – Knowing exactly what you are fundraising for will undoubtedly help you to complete your application but will also enable you to determine which prospective funders you could approach
- Do your background research - Find out which (if any) Trusts you have previously received funding from and any stipulations they made when providing these funds (ie must a certain length of time pass before you can submit additional applications). Research to find out which Trusts and Foundations have aims and policies that agree with the need you are looking to fundraise for. If it looks like a Trust doesn’t fund projects that you’re working on, it’s advisable not to approach them
- Do specific research when you have identified which Trusts/Foundations to approach – Trusts change their guidelines regularly, so even if you are approaching a trust that have previously provided you with funding you should still obtain their guidelines, application criteria and find out about the size of grants they are currently awarding
- Make contact with the Trustees (if appropriate) – Trusts vary widely in their application processes and requirements, so unless stated otherwise, it’s usually acceptable to make contact with any known trustees to find out how best to apply
- Read and take note of the Trust’s guidance on making applications– Always ensure that you approach Trusts in their preferred ways and that you follow and adhere to any rules they have set. These could include:
- Presenting your application in a specified format
- Providing specific information required
- Ensuring that your application falls with the Trust’s remit
- Only applying for an appropriate amount
- Ensuring that you submit your application within a specified time frame
- Ensuring that only 1 application is made to the Trust at any one time
- Providing necessary contact details
- Providing detail about how any funds awarded will be spent and how you will monitor and evaluate the project
- Be specific with your application – Whilst it’s important to ensure that your application matches the interests and objectives of the Trust, it’s also important that it fits your own organisational strategies and objectives
- Don’t be misleading – Never lead a Trust to believe their grants will be used for a certain project (or only for a specific project) if this isn’t the case. It’s important that the Trust knows how the grant will be used
- Make your applications clear, accurate and honest – This extends to situations of approaching more than one Trust for support as it’s good practice to inform Trusts/Foundations when others have been approached, particularly if funding targets might be exceeded if both/all applications are successful
Applying for grant funding from Trusts and Foundations can be time-consuming but rewarding and at Yeomans we can help you with the whole process. From initial “Discovery Workshops” identifying your specific case for support and the nature of your need, right through to writing and submitting applications. Please contact us to find out how we can help you unlock the potential of Trust Funding for your cause.
Of course, the work doesn’t stop there! There are also many recommendations for actions to take when you hear your application is successful (or not). But you don’t have to manage through this on your own either, our experts are here and remember: “alone we can do little; together we can do so much.” (Helen Keller)
Examples of our Trust Fundraising work:
Please contact us for details of our Trust Fundraising work, or view details of case studies here:
- Charity Commission
- Yeomans previous blog
- Header photo by Kat Yukawa on Unsplash
- Article photos by Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash