Find out all the details of our next GDPR workshop which will be taking place on 16th May 2019
GDPR Update Workshop - Will you be joining us?
GDPR (almost) one year on - How does compliance look to you?
Almost a year has passed since GDPR became enforceable by law. How has your organisation been impacted?
This Valentine’s Day – How will you show love for your colleagues?
With it being Valentine’s Day this week, I sat down to write a blog about loving...
What does being Trustworthy mean to you?
"Trust" is a quick word to write, yet it can take a long time to develop. In this blog we consider the Charity Commission's "Trust in Charities" research
Fundraising Principles and Case for Support Masterclass
Learn about our masterclass to explore key fundraising aspects including: organisational philosophy, donor motivations and writing a Case for Support.
Which Masterclass will you choose next?
We’ve listened to your feedback and are pleased to let you know the dates and topics of the Masterclasses we’ll be running for you over the next few months.